Sunday School:

Sunday Mornings (September - May)

9:45  AM  Preschool through 6th Grade

Anna Sorensen, Superintendent 


Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church Webpage

Pastor Kristi Mitchell


Summer Sunday Mornings

9:00 AM Worship Service

alternating locations between Redeemer and Concordia. (See Summer Schedule below)

Holy Communion offered the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA 


Sunday Mornings

10:00  AM  in Luther Hall 

   Office Hours:

             Monday - Thursday 8 am to 1 pm

Office Phone Number 507-874-3343


Confirmation Classes:

Wednesday Evenings (September - May)

5:45 PM 7th/8th Grade Class

9th Grade Class meets once a month on Wednesday Evening

​Contact Pastor Kristi if you have questions about our Confirmation Classes.